ok. Sometimes, the madness goes to an extreme. I suppose because that is in human nature, to try to insist that what we believe is right, and best. That's why there are Mormon missionaries all over the WORLD. They sincerely believe they have the absolute truth.
There is an ongoing debate regarding pertussis. I am on the "you can't prevent it with an injection" side of this debate. A sweet mom of 5 posted an amazing rebuttal to an L.A. Times article, and if you're interested in hearing facts alongside of a "journalist"'s opinions, then I highly recommend this thoughtful and well-researched piece.
If you'd like to know more about why I've concluded that, for the time being, I am not in favor of our country's vaccine schedule, I would love to chat with you.
I firmly believe that every parent does what they think is best for their own family, and I respect your choice if it doesn't mirror mine, but please make an *informed* choice. Knowing fully what is going into our children's tiny bodies is both our right, and responsibility. We research schools before we enroll our kids. Upon moving to a new city, we often try out several religious establishments before deciding on one that is a good fit for our family. Most mothers today know a lot about the dangers of high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, GMO meats and corn, red dye, and highly processed chicken Mc"nuggets". Do I think you are being irresponsible if you don't want to look into the ingredients and side effects of what a nurse, likely a stranger, who loves your child much less than you ever could, is INJECTING into your baby's blood stream? Yes. Yes I do.